
What My Worship Does

By Victor M. Eskew

There will be many people who will choose to stay away from the worship of the heavenly Father this morning. Sadly, they will not be the beneficiaries of worship. They will not receive the blessings that come to the worshiper.

“What are some of these?” you ask. I am glad you asked.

Here is a short list.

1. Being in the presence of a holy and powerful God.

2. Knowing that I am well-pleasing in the sight of God.

3. Being with fellow Christians.

4. Hearing spiritual songs that lift the heart.

5. Hearing prayers of praise, thanksgiving, and request.

6. Hearing God speak to us from His inspired Word.

7. Being able to give back to God from His rich blessings.

8. Being able to assemble around the Lord’s table and remember the death of our precious Lord as we focus on His body and His blood.

9. Being reminded of what is really important in life.

10. Knowing 1st century worship continues in the 21st century.

These are just of a few of the blessings the worshiper will receive today. Joy, strength, resolve, comfort, and hope will also fill the hearts of all those who worship God today.

This writer believes that only a fool would refuse to bow before the great I AM on any Lord’s Day.

Get to the worship services this morning. Watch what it does for your life!!!