Glen Head
Here we are less than one week away from the 2015 West Kentucky Bible Lectures. With only a few days left there is still much to do. Can one believe that this lectureship has been going on for the last thirty six years? Even though this event happens every year at the Sunny Slope building there are many others that put a great amount of effort in continuing this great work. Many sister congregations and interested individuals plan on this event to hear many important lectures on issues that concern the growth of a Christian, but also in teaching one about the wonderful news of the Gospel. This year there are four topics that are going to be addressed that hit home in a decision that was made a few weeks ago by the “Supreme Court.” Friday night sound teachers of God’s Word are going to speak on What I Know For Sure…About Godly Sexuality, About Dating, About Marriage, and About Divorce. The Supreme Court, along with a very few vocal voices, redefined our country’s definition of marriage on June 26, 2015. Where were our voices? They will be heard Friday night. The four lessons mentioned above will give God’s perspective on family issues concerning husband and wife, but will also look at the decisions made before one makes that lifelong covenant. Why would we want to keep this to ourselves? We shouldn’t.
In Acts 10 it is brought to Cornelius’ attention that one would come and “tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.” Cornelius wasn’t just worried about his own soul, but he was concerned about all those he cared for. While waiting for Peter he “called together his kinsmen and near friends.” (Acts 10:24) Do we have that same anticipation of hearing the Good News of the Gospel? Very few times do we have the opportunity to hear other sound brethren speak on key issues. Located preachers can stand behind the pulpit and address such matters, but it really hits home when preachers from afar speak with one accord and the same judgment on these matters. When Peter entered in it was said, “He found many that were come together.” (Acts 10:27) What a wonderful sight for someone that was sent to teach others the lifesaving message of the Gospel! What a wonderful feeling for the speakers of the lectureship to enter in and have many sitting in anticipation of hearing God’s Word proclaimed!
Saturday of the lectureship will be a day for the edifying of the body of Christ. What can we know for sure as we travel through this life? We can know about hope, we can hear what a Gospel preacher of 66 years can know for sure concerning the past, present and future in the kingdom. After the Open Forum there will be a topic that isn’t addressed much these days, What I Know For Sure About Racism In Light Of Eternity. Over the last few years, racism has been brought up in certain agendas in the area of politics and has been used as a tool to control others. To know the truth about this mentality and the effects of it we must go to God’s Word. Is man trying to change the definition of racism too? Why does it seem to have such a broader meaning today? Why are Christians called racists, haters and bigots? Neither the world, nor politics, have the final say in how one can or can’t define marriage or racism. I as a Christian want to know about racism in light of eternity.
It is wonderful being a servant of God. There are many things we need to know as Christians and to be sure of in our daily walk. Two more interesting subjects will be What I Know For Sure About Wielding The Sword, and About Wielding The Trowel. We need to know God’s Word, but we must also know how to use it effectively. It is our offense in saving souls, but it is also our defense in “withstanding the evil day” and “being able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6) Nehemiah stood up in his day and said, “Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” (Nehemiah 4:14) Today, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) We do not war a physical fight, but we still stand! Using the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, after having done all, we stand!
Then Sunday, what a wonderful opportunity for a visitor or a friend to come join us. One can Know For Sure the plan of salvation put forth in the plain and simple Gospel. A sinner can Know For Sure About Hearing And Believing The Word Of God. One that recognizes that his sins have pulled him ever so far away from God can Know For Sure About Repentance And Confession. Then with all the denominational confusion and doctrines that come from men, one can Know For Sure About Baptism And Remaining Faithful. One must only follow that pattern set forth by God. “But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.” (Romans 6:17)
What a great time to look forward to as we have just a few days to make final preparations. We thank everyone who has contributed or helped in any way. And we are especially thankful for the many speakers who have given of their time to come and speak God’s Word. We pray for safe travels to all and look forward to seeing you! This is a needed lectureship series in our community and we invite all.