Today Ladies’ service project after evening service.
September 24 Ladies Day. Central (Paducah) church of Christ. Ina Booker speaking. 9 am – 12 pm. Lunch provided.
September 25-27 Gospel Meeting. Maple Hill church of Christ. Mike McDaniel speaking. Sun. 7:30pm, Mon.-Tues. 7pm
October 2 Ladies’ service project after evening singing service.
October 8 Ladies Day. Walnut Grove church of Christ. Emily Hatfield speaking. Registration begins at 8:30. Breakfast and lunch provided.
October 9 Fellowship meal after morning service. Ladies’ service project after evening service.
October 9-12 Gospel Meeting. Spring Creek church of Christ. Barry Grider speaking.
October 15 Ladies Day. Cedar Springs church of Christ. Erin Wells speaking. Registration begins at 8:30. Refreshments and lunch provided.
October 16 Baby shower for Doug , Marli, and James McBride. 2-4pm in the preacher’s house basement.
October 16-19 41st Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship, Getwell church of Christ, Memphis, TN. Theme: Eternal Security