
Author Archive for Sunny Slope

Trump’s Christians

Glen Head

I saw a meme on Facebook not long ago that accused Christians who support Trump politically of “selling their souls.” There was a long list of immoral things that Trump not only did in his past but continues to this day. Granted those who entertain this thought overlook the immorality of those whom they align themselves with, yet that doesn’t matter. They just want to point out the “hypocrisy” of the Christians and accuse them of not being like Jesus.

Let’s look at just one man in the Bible in a little bit of depth and see why God favors those who live moral lives even while under heathen authority. When I say moral in this writing I mean godly, spiritual, pleasing to God. Daniel gave glory and adherence to God’s law, not the immorality of the kings he served. Daniel served God first and foremost!

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Our Ever Expanding Faith

Bryan Dunaway (Grace and Peace Ministries)

Edited Bill Watkins

“We thank God for you, brethren, because your faith grows exceedingly” (2Thessalonians 1:3). God wants our faith to grow. Let us notice some practical keys to growing in faith. 

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The Glorious Gospel

Author Unknown

Shared by Dave Hart

What is the gospel?  Many people give many answers to that question.  But let’s let the Bible answer it once and for all.  If we look at what God’s Word has to say concerning the gospel, we will see just how glorious it truly is.

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Upcoming Events for March 1, 2020

March 1

Ladies’ service project after evening singing service.


March 7

Ladies Bible class at 10:30


March 7

Spring clocks FORWARD before bed


March 8

Fellowship meal after morning service.  Service at Parkview at 1:30.


March 15

Ladies’ service project after evening service

We Have Re-Studied the Issue

by Hugh Fulford

From the very beginning of the effort to restore original New Testament Christianity, churches of Christ have stood opposed to the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship. This is the case because the churches of Christ in New Testament times did not use instrumental music in their worship. There is no passage in the New Testament that authorizes the use of instruments in worship, and there is no example of instrumental music being used by the early congregations. The music of the church for the first several centuries after its establishment was strictly a cappella (vocal only). (See Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 13:15; et al).


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