David Sproule
How many “opportunities” come your way every day? You might ask , “Opportunities for what?” How many “occasions” come your way every day? Again, you might ask, “Occasions for what?” How many “times” come your way every day? Once more, you might ask, “Times for what?”
Christians have been given clear instructions, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:10) Robertson translates this comparative clause as, “As we have occasion at any time.” When do “opportunities” or occasions” come your way? They come at any time! They come all the time!!
Would you say that once a month would be often enough to fulfill, “As we have opportunity at any time, let us do good?” Would you say that once a week would be often enough? Or, do you believe that our Father provides us with multiple daily opportunities to do good, especially to our brethren in Christ?
So, how many opportunities have come your way today?