How Shall I Be Remembered?
by Irene Taylor
Have you ever really stopped to think
Of how you’re viewed by others?
By those who know us the very best,
Our husband, children, mothers?
How those whose lives we touch each day
The friends we hold so dear,
Will think about us when we’re gone,
When we’re no longer here?
Will we be viewed as kind and gentle?
Or one whose tongue was sharp?
Who made our world a better place?
As one who left her mark?
Will our husband look back fondly
Of support and strength we shared?
Will he know, without a doubt,
How much we really cared?
Will our children have sweet memories
Of how much that they were loved?
Of sacrifice made from our heart?
Will they to tears be moved?
Will our grandchildren likewise know
How special they truly are?
Will they have a special memory
With nothing there to mar?
If in my hands there should be placed
A symbol of my life,
What would it be? A Bible, book, or something else?
What would depict that life?
It’s a serious matter to reflect
On when it’s time to go.
How shall I be remembered then
Based on my life below?
Now’s the time to do the deeds
That will guide the choice they make.
Let’s live right for our own good
And our dear loved ones’ sake.
(September 6, 1997)
From Goebel Music To Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor, Jr.
My beloved “Brother Bob” and “Lady Irene,”
Are on of our Father’s greatest “of teams.”
The unity of purpose is seen in their goal,
To search, to edify, and to save man’s soul.
A beautiful couple honoring their beloved Master,
Knew without Him, their home could be a disaster.
So, a daughter named Rebecca and a son named Tim,
Were nourished and cherished in this home for Him.
His wife is a true help meet in their labors of love,
At home and on the road she serves their God above.
For forty-two years she has honored her sacred place,
While declaring to the women, the Word of His grace.
A workman unashamed is this great man of “the faith,”
And he will die in His service, completing his race.
The items studiously flow from his most prolific pen,
And are read around the world, where he’s never been.
The sword of this soldier has never been sheathed,
He knows to whom it belongs, his Commander in chief.
The humility of this servant is marvelous to behold,
His meekness is truly portrayed in the Moses of old.
His stance is very powerful and his love so truly great,
That he often does battle, over “the versions of late.”
The dangers of modern versions are challenged by this man,
And he knows the subject, and the Word on which he stands.
The inward beauty of this union is benevolently told,
It gloriously radiates to both the young and the old.
Infrequently in life are we blessed with such a pair,
Whose eagerness for all of us is the City Foursquare.
Because of my love for these magnanimous friends,
Whose talented outreach, for His glory knows no end.
I dedicate His volume to this godly, excellent team,
Indeed, to my “Brother Bob,” and my “Lady Irene.”
I’m Special, You’re Special
by Irene Taylor
I’m special — you’re special!
God made us that way.
We’re not just mere animals
As evolutionists say!!
We’re here for special purpose,
A part of God’s grand plan.
We’re that special companion
He gave to help the man.
He entrusted us even further
With a very special role.
For when woman is made mother
She will guide her children’s goal.
That goal should point toward heaven
Beyond the stars above.
We must train and show those children
The beauty of God’s great love.
We have within our power
A destiny to change.
Our lives can be a good influence
To those within our range.
For every Christian woman
Has a special sphere to guide.
We can raise the moral standards
If we in God abide.
Yes, I’m special and you’re special
When we do our God obey.
Let’s retain that special status
Do His will in His own way.